McMaster Student Housing

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Additional features of the honeyfarm layer2 HoneyBxx

HONEY holders can still get more sweet honey by depositing HONEY and farming the native token of Layer 2, Bxx. After the start of Layer 2, users can farm Bxx, the native token of Layer 2, HoneyBxx.

Some of the additional features added are

The Royal jelly is a pool that users deposit the native tokens to earn 3rd party tokens as well as major tokens such as BNB, BUSD, BTC e.t.c. HONEY will be used in various ways throughout the project layers. One of more extra-ordinary benefit of this Royal Jelly for Honey holders is that Bxx can be mined before the start of the Layer 2,by depositing HONEY!

WorkingBee is automated compounding vault service for the native tokens of HoneyFarm Layer 1, HONEY, and Layer 2, Bxx, to maximize APY. Yield from the farm will be compounded automatically and it increases the yield exponentially.

Honeyfarm ,The Land of Max Profit and HONEY!

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